How to see someone’s Hidden Friends’ List on Facebook

Have you discovered the trending thing on Facebook? Many Facebook users are no more naïve to the constant hacking occurrences. This, however, has put most users on their toes in hiding their friends’ lists.How to see someone’s Hidden Friends’ List on Facebook

Thence, Facebook has provided a new feature that helps users hide their friends if they wish. As one of the most populated platforms, it is important that they protect their users and in so doing securing their interests. However, the platform still provides ways of uncovering someone’s hidden friends on Facebook.

Furthermore, Facebook presents a new modification to her platform, thereby, capturing users’ interests. Here are some modified features you are likely to enjoy on your Facebook page:

In the major application, you can now place as many comments as possible. Tag friends, share posts and videos, and add likes. More so, are you in love with game fares? Then enjoy a thrilling moment with Facebook now.

How to see someone’s Hidden Friends On Facebook

Facebook as we all know is the largest platform for social lives. Thence, recent researches by A$B reporters say that not less than 30 billion people all over the world are users of the Facebook platform. With this huge analysis, you see that uncovering hidden friends can be challenging. Nevertheless, we got quick access for you on this post. Keep reading to find out how.

Therefore, to uncover friends of friends list, you’ll require just a graph search. Anyway, your target search may be resulting if you have a common link with such person(s).

How to view someone’s hidden friends’ list on Facebook using Social Revealer

To unravel a hidden friend’s list on Facebook may be demanding. However, you can keep reading with us to find out the easiest way to get started. Mind you, you will need a Facebook account, have a smartphone, or a PC. These devices quicken your results and search. Having known this, take the following steps:

  • Visit the Google Chrome web store. Install the ‘Social Revealer’ App.
  • Ensure a complete installation and click on to open your account.
  • Proceed to the profile of the person you want to unravel his/ her friend’s list,
  • Next, click on the “Social Revealer” extension and open it. After that click the “See friends” option.
  • A new page showing the “Facebook users, Facebook friends” list will appear.

Now with the above steps, you can uncover someone’s hidden friends’ list and also mutual friends. Moreover, Facebook has a new users innovation known as “Facebook Friend Mapper”. This carries out the task of searching someone’s hidden friends’ list on Facebook. Whereas, the App is the fastest in uncovering identities, despite how hidden the lists are.

How to view someone’s Facebook Friends without the Social Revealer and Facebook Friend Mapper

There are other ways you can reveal someone’s hidden friends’ list. Check out:

  • Log in to Facebook and open the user’s profile page.
  • Open any person-created post or image, find “fbid=”. Copy the numbers after it and end before the “&” character.
  • Next, open a new tab and paste the number between “SEARCH/…../ friends in the previous year you have copied.
  • Tap the enter button to reveal the person’s hidden friends’ list.

The above step is an alternating method to get a hidden friends list. Whereas, the first approach and second can be helpful. I bet all you care is a result, therefore, remember to post a comment here after trying them out.